Thursday, 24 March 2011

Outside job. (part of internship)

Here is a video from a project I was working on a few weeks ago as part of my internship. This was outside of Comtech, but with another firm who work in the same area, not on such big jobs as Comtech and perhaps a bit more specialized, but in the same line of work.

The light installation was for a investment bank in Copenhagen in there "ideas" department - I guess as a way to inspire their workers (I had other "ideas" :-)). Each light is an LED mounted into the ceiling with a solid perspex tube (pictured for effect) placed below it.

The individual lights are each programmed (allotted a number) and then already programmed states are feed into the server. Each LED lights up depending on the current state and time frame.

 Painstaking work but well worth the end result!

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