Monday, 28 March 2011


Yes, content is KING folks, and let no designer tell you different.

 Adding finishing touches to a website that I am doing at the moment and then waiting for the onwers of said site to write a little content to add. When it is all done and dusted i will put up a link.

 Least to say, the site is made in Wordpress, the first time I have used this CMS - in fact, the first time I have used a CMS more complicated than blogspot. And now do i find it...? Well, not as intuitive as I had have hoped and i don't know whether that is because of my own expectations and competencies or just dodgy UI - perhaps a mixture of the two. I dont see myself as a UI guru but there are just ways that the WP backend layout doesn't play well to the eye and some of the documentation has itself to be documented. I guess its all in the learning curve.
 Though to say there are many little pitfalls that you encounter and wouldn't think about unless you had someone sitting watching over your shoulder - it would be difficult to learn this completely from scratch with no guidance other than what is offered by the itself - still, go there in the end and am now prepared to go on and do another site for myself in WP - (though still have this notion that I may do the anti-site I had the idea for many moons ago - a site with absolutely no structure, just links and images all the way - no CSS - oh the frivolity of it all!!!)

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