Tuesday, 14 June 2011


If you are reading this, it is because I have been kidnapped and....no...hold on, that is the message for the other blog!

If you are reading this it is because you are interested, or at least curious, about the #marcsexam hashtag I have been firing around for the past week or so. The reason for this is because tomorrow at 15.50 I have my final exam at the design school and during this exam i will be presenting a live Twitter timeline that will be specifically following this hashtag and certain @´s that I have invented for the purpose.

If you remember and are so inclined, I would be most grateful if you could send a tweet using the #marcsexam hashtag around this time (Danish time btw, so it would be 14.50 GMT for ref.) and any message will do - nothing unpleasant please, though perhaps just asking that will invite waves of abuse and I should just keep my trap shut! Well, it is up to you :-)

So, here goes.

(This of course only applies to those of you that have a Twitter account - or you can make one at....you guessed it, twitter.com)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be sitting listening to someone talk about international project management at that time but wish you luck!