Wednesday, 15 June 2011

#marcsexam post 2

At my BA exam today (15.40 CET) I will be giving a presentation on my project work over the last few months. It boils down to how we can communicate with as little "noise" as possible - and noise in todays media saturated world basically comes down to distraction.

I don't want to cut down on the level of choice media users have but in my report, which I will make public in the next few days, I have come up with the idea that social media, when used in the context of "the captive audience", can be dictated by the captors for the best benefit of the audience.

For instance, when we enter a theatre to watch a play, our media is what is going on on the stage, we have entered into an agreement with the theatre that that is the way we want our media.

So why not when we enter a shopping center, for example, should that shopping center dictate the form of communication it makes for the best benefit of its' customers to promote the retailors?

I prepose, in this situation using Twitter which could then be displayed around a shopping center projected onto walls or showen on big screen. As an example I have set up a web page (with some help) that displays a live twitter timeline (or it will, come the exam) and a little javascript to show some images for interests sake -

- the twitter timeline will show any tweets that mention the hashtag #marcsexam (and I will say it again, this is not my carnal knowledge early in the day) just to give the examiners an idea of what could be going on on a screen in situ.

that be it and wish me luck!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


If you are reading this, it is because I have been kidnapped on, that is the message for the other blog!

If you are reading this it is because you are interested, or at least curious, about the #marcsexam hashtag I have been firing around for the past week or so. The reason for this is because tomorrow at 15.50 I have my final exam at the design school and during this exam i will be presenting a live Twitter timeline that will be specifically following this hashtag and certain @´s that I have invented for the purpose.

If you remember and are so inclined, I would be most grateful if you could send a tweet using the #marcsexam hashtag around this time (Danish time btw, so it would be 14.50 GMT for ref.) and any message will do - nothing unpleasant please, though perhaps just asking that will invite waves of abuse and I should just keep my trap shut! Well, it is up to you :-)

So, here goes.

(This of course only applies to those of you that have a Twitter account - or you can make one guessed it,