Monday, 23 May 2011

twitter responses

here is another version of the same words.

Twitter responses

From the responses to question 11, "How can you best describe Twitter in three words?" - some people did not reply to this question and some people replied more than three words - you know who you are!

the image above is from a site that describes the frequency of words in a given text. I copied all the answers to question 11. excluding capitals or punctuation into wordle and this is the parsed result.

and the example of the rich text

the dog's bollocks news share fun political instant connecting handy infuriating informative immediate raw information available anywhere anytime depth dependent on willingness of others to click through to links etc empowering but difficult to control which is both good and bad as use grows self-defined filters might serve to reinforce opinions rather than open up to new ideas more group-think jury still out on it's use and abuse Yr own fault for leaving this much space if you wanted three words informative fun different informative quick light communication news tech fun for family simple easy backlinks interaction fast information social humour easy procrastinating very interesting interactions simple short precise writing skills necessary specified never ending inspiring waste of time efficient cost effective network building fun informative fast excellent time waster social responsive real-time unknown indifferent communication superficial load of wank short statuses pointless if you have facebook in my opinion short easy informative fast footie info celebrities vanity image swift savvy social instant direct communication adequate but lacking interesting careful professional use twit for twats I still have a little problem seeing it giving me a lot i've no idea updated on the spot changing face book like thing a conversational version of facebook rant ramblings short opinions a break opportunity for workshy office workers sharing irrelevant information instant word spreading social spam online global texting fad easy personalized news instant microblogging following waste of time i don't really us the twitter just created a profile not a clue entertaining fast fun quick easy fun not for me immediate sharing information light fast conversational time consuming stupid pointless oneliners that it is a waste of time posting and reading get over yourself gossip in contact quick i can do it in two words for you attention wh??es in three would be living for others following other people for kids only or boring boring boring easy quick social boring sales spam social networking site global information exchange easy but limited trivial status updates thinking without thinking and blabbing to the whole world about it concise convenient beneficial everywhere demanding pressure global opinion sharing an over-hyped fad waste of time

There were 95 responses in total.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

PBA project hypothesis.

 In technologically advanced societies, the use of social media as a communication tool is now intrinsically linked to how we interact with each other as individuals, between organisations and between organisations and individuals. This prevalence is now so entrenched within our society, that to return to or imagine an environment without social media, would disable thought and communication patterns with far reaching consequences.
But with this prevalence also comes the problem of saturation. The end users of social media, who essentially are individuals, only have a certain amount of time during each day to interact with it.  Inadvertently, too much choice becomes a hindrance rather than a help, where the meaning of a message becomes diluted or even lost.
  This is not a new problem. On the contrary, communication, through any medium, has its limits. And just as in the past, where television, newspapers or the town crier clamored for our attention, so numerous websites are today seeking dominance in the new world media order.
Social media websites, tailored to the individual, or any personna an individual wishes to evoke, are ultimately all vying for the same thing - my and your attention for reasons (commercial mostly) that will be discussed later. But what if the social medium was tailored more towards an event seeking users and so defined predominately by a demarcated time period and space. In other words, instead of an event organiser saying, "80% of our target group use social media type A, so we will communicate with them through media type A", they say, "the best and most suited media type for our event is social media type B, so that is how we will communicate", and make it explicitly known before and during said event - communication will once again become less diluted for that specific event.
 The important factor here is the restriction on the time, space and/or topic and utilising the power of focused interest within these criteria.