Saturday, 17 April 2010

have never known many people to be followers of ash before, but it is surprising to see a healthy minority making comment upon and taking stock of the recent volcano eruption on Iceland - and that is outside of the Icelanders that i know. You would expect them to chat about it and their amusement at watching news readers trying to pronounce the name of the location of the eruption is amusing in itself.
But aside from the mild hilarity of the planet blowing a geothermal fuse, it still strokes me as awesome the way that the globe upon which we float has the never ending ability to put us in our respective place - there have already been the cancellations of thousands of flights from airports across northern europe, and the disruption that this has caused, and now the rumours of failing crops this year because of whatever photosynthesis knock-ons - what else will follow?
In no regard is this in anyway comparable to some of the major natural disasters that have happened in recent times where hundreds of thousands have perished. But I wasn't present at those locations and I always try to turn off my heart strings when watching stories like these unfold upon our televisions screens (not because I don't care, but because at some point I just thought that I couldn't take the pain any more) - are we seeing more of this because of our tv and technical infrastructure or is there more of it happening? I for one, am not use either way - but am just glad that there is something out there bigger than the lot of us... that, not in a theological way, gives me a sense of belonging and contentment - and as for the clouds of ash in the sky, weren't the eco liberals of our day saying we had to fly less anyhow?

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