Learning Goals.
My 3rd semester internship will take place in a Danish AV (Audio Visual) and event company called Comtech A/S. I have been working professionally with Comtech over the past two years or so and have substantial inside knowledge of their employees, their functions and roles, as well as aspirations and future possibilities of the company.
Some of the main events that I have worked with include the COP15 UN conference on climate change in the Bella Center in December of 2009 and on the Orange Stage at Roskilde Festival, 2010. Both of these events hosted international partners for whom professionalism was of the utmost importance. As a result, I was able to witness and participate with Comtech at the height of their capabilities.
I initially approached Lars Nissan, one of the head project leaders within the company to propose my internship. After a brief consultation, we decided that I would present a number of ideas that I thought would traverse my education with Comtech's competences. Those ideas are presented below – three in total.
We also agreed that my day to day contact in regards to the chosen project would be the crew booker, Liza van der Voorn. (All contact details are at the end of this document).
The three idea proposals.
With my knowledge of both e-media and Comtech's competences, I have devised three ideas that I believe will both benefit Comtech and fulfill my educational requirements. All of the ideas involve varying degrees of project management which will become one of my main responsibilities. Another trait that bridges all of the ideas is visual design and communication. And lastly, at least two of the ideas will incorporate some kind of mobile interaction. On this account, I can confidently say that, whichever idea is decided upon, my module criteria will be satisfied. The ideas are as follows;
- A skinable Twitter like application to be used as an official communications tool at conferences, exhibitions etc.
- An out door 3d-mapping event
- An investigation and development of SMS and MMS to big screen technology.
- This idea spawns from my experience of working at the COP15 conference in December 2009. The size of the conference dictated the need for a comprehensive interface that would coherently provide information concerning the different rooms, speakers, topics, etc. This was provided but in a one way level, where the conference organizers would push the information and hence it would be consumed – that is, there was no interaction between the actual attendees and the organizers. My idea, roughly put, would be to develop a web application that could be tailored according to a brand and used, like Twitter, as a communication tool between attendees and conference organizers. The first question that would obviously arise, is, “Why then not just use Twitter?” There are three reasons I can think of to answer this at present; so that conference organizers can brand the application to their own end; to restrict who sees the communication, that is, to “wall-in” communiqués; and, to push traffic to a specific website outside of Twitter and therefore generate income through sponsorship and the like.The future possibilities of this technology are far. I have tentatively looked into the integration of touch screen technology, real time data collecting, real time video conferencing and such, to name but a few of the ideas. But I believe that to make this kind of service viable, simplicity in the beginning would be best, not only from the developers point of view, but also from that of the end user.My main learning goals involved with such a project would consist of, but not be limited to;- learning about the functions and application of the Twitter API- implementing a back end database through the use of a CMS such as Wordpress or Drupal- assembling and maintaining the on-site hardware structure of such a network- implementing mobile integration- assembling and maintaining a wireless network- designing graphical content in line with clients visual needs- maintaining and surveying real time content in line with clients communication needs- project management
- Utilizing powerful projectors, it is possible to use other spaces and environments as screens, for example, the sides of buildings. This can be used in either a strictly aesthetic manner or with some inherent commercial value.My learning goals for this project would be, but not limited to;- working on a visual design from conception to final product. This would take into account branding requirements of a given client- developing and implementing a motion graphical storyboard- implementation and optimization of different video and file types- assembling and maintaining on-site hardware- project managementFuture possibilities could include some sort of user interaction by use of mobile technology.
- As part of the Roskilde festival 2009, Comtech provided an SMS service wherein audience members could upload an SMS message that would then be displayed on the big screens of the venue during the intervals. This idea would be somewhat along the lines of the Twitter feed, but would also allow 2nd generation phone interaction i.e. SMS and MMS compatible.It was also used as promotion for the Diesel Clothing Company in a campaign entitled “Be Stupid”. Users were asked to take photos of themselves using their mobile phones and upload them to the web. These were then displayed via a big screen in the shop window.My learning goals for this project would include but not be limited to;- designing and implementing a back end application that spans differing levels of technology- designing graphical content in line with clients visual needs- maintaining and surveying real time content in line with clients communication needs- assembling and maintaining on-site hardware- project management
All three ideas/projects have different levels of challenge and feasibility in regards to myself as the student, my school as an education establishment, and Comtech as a professional company. But my main hope at the end of the project is to be able to produce a product, whether it is a standalone application or knowledge that I alone attain, that will be valuable in future scenarios.
I will be keeping a video diary on my own blog (http://spo3.com) of ongoing events whilst at the same time using it is a platform for investigation, experimentation and exhibition.
I have purposely left out the contact list, if anyone noticed. Critique please? Is there anything that should be explained more accurately? It all makes sense to me but then I have been working with it for a while and have tunnel vision. It may read like ancient Greek to an outside sensor.