Friday, 28 March 2008

Still have not smoked and things are feeling ok... i stress the ok rather than a good. Having to go to work now - part-time job where smoking is compulsory, mandatory even. Lets see how that goes.
Toothpicks ohhhhh toothpicks...

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Right, so here is the low down - quit smoking last saturday, spent the whole day on a bean bag in front of the tv, half sleeping, half watching and wholly seething. That was the start. Then work the next day, got the key, walked inside, the chef came in after a couple of minutes demanding coffee only in the way a dutch man could "hey, no coffee?" and then stepped outside for a smoke - I followed him and partook once again in my chosen annihilation method. Ok, so one day off the fecking things and back onto them the next morning, big deal you may say - but for the smokers out there, you know what I'm talking about. Don't listen to the squeaking minions of non smokers - what do they know of frustration and death and bad breath and pins and needles and and and ...
So, smoked that day, not much since I was too busy anyhow. Got drunk in the night time (to disguise my guilt) and then woke up the next day again with a head on me the size of Alaska - the guilt kicked in again - right, so another day in front of the tv, half and half and wholly and the next day and the next is where I sit at the mo, writing and breathing and seething a little.
Cigarettes, and curse sir Walter Raleigh, he was such a stupid git!
Something like that...
have a friend coming over soon, he smokes, the first test - am I a smoking or not? What will happen if I do? Should I? One smoke can't harm?
We all know the correct answers to all these question, but ha, therein lies the subtlety of the nicotine addiction, mix a little truth with the lies...

Friday, 14 March 2008

Monday, 10 March 2008

Back, and still smoking even after a weeks lapse into abstinence - funnily enough started on the first of the year. So there, another method done and dusted - the new year resolution method! Yeah, yeah.
I've promised the wife that I will give up after the next Monday at some point! Shit... a promise to someone else - now I may have to keep it. Especially if it's to the missus - I couldn't live with another reason for her to give me shite!